Sunday, October 30, 2011

Stone Henges of the Mind...

How often would you want to put the cart before the horse?  You want success before hardwork. 

Well, I can give you one good reason.   When you are in penury, especially as a result of your own making. The fall from repute and the financial chokehold is too much for the lung to bear.   Breathing is shallow, heart beats faster, and mind is desperate for ideas.  'Impatience under pressure' is the operating word.  

Is it good to get through this tunnel of torrid times?   Is there a proverbial light at the end?  How to escape this self-made warp of space and time?  Is this a LIFE changing moment? 

This tunnel ain't new though.  Have been through it in 2003, 2006, 2009, and now, 2011.  Everytime, have made the tunnel longer and narrower.  So this time, it is tougher to navigate through.  All I want to right now is to come out of this warp.  

But, unlike the Maya, which makes people forget such times, this SHOULD be etched in my otherwise fickle memory? 

Hope now the experience stays and there are no more tunnels in the future. Let this piece of prose be etched in the Stone Henges of the Mind.

-The One

Pics courtesy Internet

Wrong side of the bed...

These days, it may not be wrong to say that I always wake up on the wrong side of the bed, almost everyday.  

Refer to my earlier blog, the inner voice wakes me up early with a fresh mind - without the regular caffeine - so it is like a wakeup more meta-physical than physical.  

For the inner calling, the side of the bed does not matter.   I just prance about, drink a glass of water, hit the pot and then blink at the distant lights of the tall buildings and the silhoutte of the hill nearby.   Finally, I hang up with a shut eye.

Cut to couple of hours later - this time, with some sense of accomplishment,  I wake up with the sun already up in the sky, and the day begins.   I try to do that thing the inner voice says - it seems an OK day - till I realize that something I did was wrong, very wrong... I start to wonder - which side of the bed did I get out?

-The One

Picture courtesy - Internet

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Inner voice

Last two months have been tough... it started about 8 weeks ago -what happened doesn't matter.   But what caused it was social networking naivity, and some fiscal mismanagement.  

Apparently, did not realize that both can get entangled, and give me a triple whammy -  set my clock back by almost a year, in alien territory,  walking almost naked, well in terms of repute - which will require a monumental effort to build.   Add to this some health woes - this is a quadriplegic emergency of all one can think - health, wealth, body and mind. 

To think of a constant endeavor with travesty of a banal kind, but that can wreck unspeakable damage to repute, and to live with it, smiling but untie the knot slowly is going to be the rest of the journey of this phase perhaps.

Not sure, what one does in this situation will work, or when this will all end, is not known.   But sleepless nights, staring out at the distant lights just before dawn, has been somewhat a trend these days.

Then, the inner voice speaks.  It alerts, of the possible danger behind that bush... and what I got to do for the day... keep smiling, lie low, but watch out for this - anticipate. that ... and do that act of the day.    That voice has been speaking for one week now ...

Well, dont know what it is, and what will happen... the ship was out to sail and now it is stuck in a tempest... can see the rogue wave coming,  and another... the voice says - watch out, work the sail ...

The shore is yet to be seen, the tempest continues... the inner voice just spoke again...

Pictures courtesy Internet.